We Offer a Unique Kind of Help


People fall through the cracks every day, leaving them feeling lost and alone. Well, not anymore! It's time to hold up our neighbors when they need us the most and show them God's love in action. Reaching out a hand to the hurting. 41 days was created to fill the gaps that other services and organizations leave behind. 


We don't offer the normal kind of help others provide. We're a unique organiation in the fact that we cater to the different, giving assistance with those "out of the ordinary" needs that no one else seems to be able to help with. 


Financial support is just one way we reach the hurting in our community. By also offering educational programs and mentoring opportunities, 41 Days strives to guide our neighbors toward a brighter future, equipping them with the skills and tools they need to succeed. Learn more about 41 Days and how we can help here.  If you need assistance, you can apply here

Lending a Helping Hand


No one should be left dealing with life’s hardest blows alone.  We here at 41 Days care and we want to walk alongside the hurting, helping them move past their difficulties and spark change in their lives. 

That will look different depending on the client and their circumstances. So, if you or someone you know has a need that is out of the norm, and can’t find help anywhere else, please fill out our quick 5-minute application. We’d love to hear your stories and see if we can partner with you to ease the burdens weighing you down today, to spark a change that thrusts you toward a more successful tomorrow.